
Since our establishment in 1975, we have been privileged to receive your unwavering support as we have journeyed alongside the development of Japan’s printing industrial sector through trade. Evolving as a dynamic trading company capable of adapting to the changing times, we embrace challenges at an accelerated pace. Our crucial mission remains steadfast: to consistently supply stable products and services amidst the flux of change.

Allow us to briefly introduce the initial forays that spurred our entry into the industry we currently predominantly engage in:

-We became the exclusive authorized distributor in Japan for Hydro-Dynamic Products PLC.,although they were acquired by Day International in 2008.

-We became the exclusive authorized distributor in Japan for Graph Imprim.

-We entered the small offset printing market as the exclusive authorized exporter for Tomoegawa Paper Co., Ltd.’s electrostatic offset master paper plate.

-We entered the stationery industry by becoming the exclusive authorized exporter for LIHIT LAB’s paper drill/auto punch.

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