Ferrocyanide-Free and Environmentally Friendly Etch & Fountain Solution
for Electrostatic Master Paper Plate and Laser Film Plate :
Master Tonic OH-20FR

Master Tonic OH-20FR

Ferrocyanide-Free and Environmentally Friendly Formulated

The best etch for Electrostatic Master Paper Plate and Laser Film Plate as admired by almost all small offset printers and Ryobi/Hamada’s worldwide dealers. Non-cyanic – pollution free, the most reliable etching and dampening chemical to work well.

Master Tonic OH20FR & Master Paper

Spec. & Packing Supplied in:
10 ltr bottle / 20ltr bottle or 200 ltr drum

Usage Instructions

-for ETCHING: Apply direct without mixing by water

-for FOUNTAIN SOLUTION: Dilute with 15-20 times water